Wednesday, February 4, 2009

R.I.P. Millard Fuller

A Picture of Millard Fuller and his wife, and Clarence Jordan.

Ok, so this doesn't have much to do with Belize, but Monday marked the passing one of the great Americans of the 20th century. Millard Fuller was a self-made millionaire who one day decided to give away all of his wealth because it seemed to be tearing his family apart. He was traveling through the South with them when they happened upon Koinonia Farm. Koinonia had been quite literally a battle ground in the civil rights movement as a desegregated communal Christian farm at the edge of Americus, Georgia, a town that was known at the time as equal to Selma, Alabama in its racism (I've been to Koinonia, and it truly is a holy place of peace). Once Millard met the founder of Koinonia, Clarence Jordan, the two hit it off right away. Both charged by a calling to do God's work for the poor, they began many projects to get people homes and land in Americus. After Clarence died, Millard used the framework of their work together to found Habitat for Humanity. Rest in Peace, Millard Fuller, and may your calling live on in all of our lives.

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